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SubjectRe: This is really Ridiculous
Herbert Rosmanith wrote:
> > What is really riduculas is that you are subscribing to the
> > kernel development newlist, and complaining that things are
> > not stable yet.
> even numbered kernels (a.b.c where b is even) are -per definition-
> not developer kernels, at leasts that's what I've been told.
> If this is not so, then change the numbering system.
If I can understand it why can't you? It is really different
interpretations about what the numbers mean. Slight nuances
maybe. What they really mean is Linus is applying different
criteria to what is allowed in a patch. His judgement not
mine not yours. He has the vision. I don't agree with all of
it but it is his. So far I've been more than rewarded by my
acceptance of his Vision. Their other options available SCO,
Solaris, MS ... ,BSD, VMS, MSOS all with their own visions and
followings. Linus vision has given us stable versions in the
past and will again this time. When, well based on the significance
of change between 1.2 and 2.0 about 2.0.25 by my guess. I will
know if it survives a month without patches.

> I'm not afraid living at the bleeding edge with alpha-kernels,
> and I don't even make backups. But one should know what one
> has to expect.

As far as I know. Linus is still asking us to test the changes
He would like things to be perfect but he doesn't controll
the Hardware environment. He will know things are right about
a day earlier than the rest of us. Only because most people
direct address him, while the rest of us wait on vger.


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