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SubjectRe: Linux 2.0 & Xinside "X" server
On Fri, 26 Jul 1996, Jeffrey Sullivan wrote:

> I have 2 HP Vectra P5/133s running Linux 2.0. They both have Matrox
> Millenium graphics card w/4 Mb. (Some of this may be superfluous)
> Anyway, twice - once on each machine - "/dev/console" seems to have been
> corrupted after the machines were brought down via "rebooting." Actually, one
> simply crashed, the other was rebooted. Fortunately, one of the programmers
> here figured out that issuing the make "device" console restored the problem.
> Now, before someone questions why I'm submitting this to the kernel group, I
> need to mention that the "Xinside" "Accelerated X" server ran well when we
> were running Linux 1.3.
> Also, we're using Slackware 3.0 and since some Unix commands don't work
> properly, my problem may rest there.
> Any ideas and or suggestion are greatly appreciated.
> Respectfully,
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> | Jeffrey Sullivan, U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center. |
> | Email: or |
> | Email: |
> | HTTP : |
> | Phone: 703 428 6651 Ext. 2588 || FAX : 703 428 8176 |
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

I had the same problem, but it seems that the minor device number of the
/dev/console changes after the use of "screen". It will change from 0 to
127. X just seems to be the program that gets annoyed with it. :-) In
case it happens, just do a "cd /dev; MAKEDEV console" as root and it fixes
it right up, usually. Good luck.

Jeff Johnson "It's not a network adapter, it's an interface,
KE4QWX damn it! There's nothing to adapt!!!!" -me =) P5/120, 2GB, 32MB, ZIP, AccelX 1.2, Linux 2.0.0
mailto:// C64+, JiffyDOS, 170K 1541-II+, GEOS 2, ACE r15
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