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SubjectRe: strange lockup
Mike Duckett wrote:
> I have been having the strangest problem booting Linux lately, since the late
> 1.3.80's. The kernel boots, init begins, mounts all drives, runs through rc.M,
> and locks up after the CD-ROM is mounted, which is before rc.inet1 starts.
> This lockup occurs every so often and is unpredictable in its occurance. I
> have kernel 2.0.6, libc 5.2.18, init 2.64, etc. (everything being the latest
> version).
> My hardware consists of the following: ASUS TP4XE 100 Mhz Pentium, 256k PB
> Cache, 48Meg, linux on a 1.2 EIDE drive by itself.
> I am at my wits end, any ideas.

Does it say anything before locking up ? My P100, SiS mboard, no buggy
850MB IDE hd, Hitachi ATAPI CD, 16MB RAM at the time (40MB now) began
hard randomly since 1.3.85 or so. I had a (successfully :) ELF-migrated
Slackware that suddenly hung on the hd, sometimes saying "Unknown
sometimes nothing, a couple of times being more detailed with messages

"hda: read_intr: status 0x50", or
"DriveReady SeekComplete ide0: do_ide_reset: timed out, status 0xd0".

Things were so bad I could not complete a RedHat 3.0.3 CDROM
installation due
to the box hanging. Rebooting sometimes was impossible since it hung
again on
the hd during fsck on / or later when enabling swap.

Thing was, it even hung a couple of times when RedHat install asked if
my swap
partition was a Linux swap, I said yes, it said "preparing swap" or so,
hung there. I tried again, said no, installed 1.2.13 ELF. Got 2.0.0 and
a few
thingies, booted it, did a mkswap -c on my partition, never had a
since then. It appeared to be something related to my swap partition...
was (and is) 35MB.

My old setup already had libc 5.2.18 - ldconfig 1.7.14, well all the
stuff for
the JDK plus the packages required in the Changes file for 1.3.8x and
The hanging occurred with 1.3.100 as well. My disk setup:

/dev/hda1 vfat /Win95
/dev/hda2 ext2 /
/dev/hda3 swap -

Still running 2.0.0 and happy...


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