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    SubjectRe: Is any file system on Linux appropriate for very large directories?
    Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > On Fri, 12 Jul 1996, Eric Benson wrote:
    > >
    > > We have an application here that uses lots of files in a single
    > > directory. At the time it was set up, it didn't seem to be a problem.
    > > However, due to's 30 percent per month growth rate, this is
    > > now getting to be a serious problem due to the time (and kernel lockup)
    > > required for linear searching of directories. (By the way, this
    > > application is currently running on Suns, not on Linux, but moving it to
    > > Linux is an option we are considering.)

    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. The near-unanimous
    recommendation: use subdirectories! I had considered this idea, and in
    fact I will probably do it.

    > Ok, may I just suggest you accept the fact that large directories are
    > going to result in slower lookups, and try to overcome that using some
    > simple change to your setup?
    > Now, I admit that using a hashed directory lookup strategy (or even just
    > sorted directories and binary searches or whatever) is a reasonable thing
    > to do, but on the other hand I don't feel it is necessarily the _right_
    > thing to do. I don't think the directory structure of a filesystem is
    > necessarily meant to be a database on any larger scale, and on a smaller
    > scale there are problems with the "faster" lookup strategies (more
    > complexity, more overhead for small directories).

    Simplicity should certainly be highly regarded, especially in the case
    of file systems. Anything that gives me more confidence that my files
    aren't being scrambled is a very good thing! In this case I'm trading
    some complexity in my application for simplicity in the kernel. Except
    in extreme cases, that's obviously the right trade-off. I was really
    just asking if there was already a file system for Linux that had the
    property I was looking for. I wasn't asking someone to add it for me!
    (Although it sounds like it's at least under consideration for ext2.)

    > > The "right" solution to this
    > > problem is to reimplement our application using a "real" database, but
    > > it is possible that it could be solved simply by using a file system
    > > that uses some kind of hashing for name lookup!
    > The best (in my opinion) way to do the hashing is actually to do it at
    > user level. It can often be trivial, especially if your "database" has
    > simple rules governing the filenames. The obvious approach is to use the
    > tree-like structure of the directory to good advantage. That actually
    > gives you a kind of "binary lookup" but done right you can actually do it
    > with a base other than 2, and get even _better_ performance.
    > The obvious examples of this are home directories or even just the
    > terminfo "database". Instead of having one directory with lots of files:
    > aardvark
    > boa
    > cat
    > ..
    > zebra
    > you have a directory structure with
    > a/aardvark
    > a/..
    > b/boa
    > ...
    > z/zebra
    > and you can expand that to any number of levels you like (and you
    > obviously don't have to do it alphabetically: you can trivially hash the
    > lookup any way you want to that suits your particular file distribution).
    > The changes for any code doing the lookups is usually pretty trivial, and
    > it scales a lot better than having just one flat directory structure.
    > There are other advantages to using sub-directories too: it's a lot
    > easier expanding the database to cover multiple disks using symlinks etc.
    > And the _really_ nice part about this kind of hashing is that because
    > it's done at user level, you can make the hash suit the _application_,
    > rather than trying to have some generic hash inside the filesystem that
    > would have to suit _everything_.
    > Now, the obvious downside is that you would have to change your
    > application and re-order your current database, but that can often be
    > trivial (if you do it alphabetically like above, you can write a trivial
    > shell-script to create the new directory lay-out, and changing the
    > application to use that is not likely to be a problem either).

    Yep, it's just a SMOP (Small Matter of Programming). In my case, the
    files have numbers as names, but I can change my application to start
    afresh every week without too much difficulty. That even makes some
    logical sense in this case, since old files should be "retired" so they
    don't get incorporated into the glimpse index that we're building.

    > Another nice thing about using filesystem subdirectories this way is that
    > it's portable. It works on just about anything, ranging from DOS/Win/NT
    > to every UNIX out there and stuff like VMS etc, and you don't have to
    > worry about how the OS does lookups. (Well, you have to assume that the
    > OS supports subdirectories, and that rules out DOS 1.0, but I don't think
    > that is likely to be a real portability problem ;-)

    Sure, as long as you don't need to go more than eight levels deep in
    subdirectories. That's a limitation I've run into when trying to put a
    Macintosh file system onto an ISO9660 CD-ROM.

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