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SubjectLinux 2.0 really _is_ released..

Ok, I took the plunge, and Linux-2.0 is out there on the normal sites. I even
got the energy to write some inane announcement about it on cola, so it's too
late to chicken out any more.

The changes from pre2.0.14:

- Various minor TCP fixes (Eric Schenk), hopefully the "stuck in
SYN_SENT" thing is gone, and delayed acks might be a bit more clever.
- various debugging messages turned off.. (yes, finally the "socket
destroy delayed" message is gone ;-)
- ISDN fixes
- Logo included (but it's not in the patch, as it's a binary .gif file)
- alpha updates for CIA-based machines (those DEC people either have a
strange sense of humor, or are totally clueless. I don't know which).
- arcnet and eexpress driver fixes
- SCSI should compile without /proc support (not that I've tested: sue
- aha152x update
- initrd root unmount fix

Now I'm going to zonk out for a few days, and then I'll skip the country and
go to Argentina for a while. So while you struggle with the new kernel, you
can feel safe in the thought that I won't care in the least. Because I'm
taking a VACATION!


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:37    [W:3.231 / U:0.008 seconds]
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