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SubjectRe: A Humble Suggestion for 2.0/2.1
It look to me like the code freeze took a long time.  Fifteen or twenty
releases during code freeze suggests that too many bugs had developed for
too long. Having a code freeze more often would keep the overall code
cleaner, I would think.

I think there is a danger in bugs snowballing. If there are twenty bugs in
the networking code, it is far more difficult to determine where a problem
is originating from, when it started (was it in 1.3.58 or 1.3.92?) and
especially whether it is a new bug or a newly uncovered bug.

Is there a critical-mass for bugs?

It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both
incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by
twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.
-- Rod Serling

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