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SubjectRe: more make help
On Sat, 15 Jun 1996, Mark E. Levitt wrote:

> Perhaps the file "Changes" should be renamed to "READTHISFIRST"?

Yes, a README.1ST file and putting it in the top level directory would be
a good start. I know I've been bitten by the ps -aux segfault and several
other things. There are still a few funny things going on with my system
that are probably upgrade related. The only way I've found out about
these things is by asking people, and occasionally seeing things
mentioned on the list.

It's sort of a pain that Linux changes so much. That's why a lot of
commercial operations are afraid to touch it. Every time I upgrade one
thing, I have to upgrade several others to keep everything working. But
that's the price we pay for rapid advancement and continually increasing

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