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SubjectRe: your mail
"Systemkennung Linux writes"
|> > - Have all kernel symbols in the actual boot file. No need to shuffle
|> > around and (worse) psdatabase.
|> Good point because you usually don't have the appropriate psdatabase
|> at hand when booting an old kernel. Makes eg "ps axl" a mess.
Wouldn't it make sense to re-build the psdatabase on reboot ?
I know at least one OS that is doing exactly this...

|> > - A standard way to run a headless machine (no video card at all) on a
|> > serial console. Find and fix the problem that some boards don't boot
|> > without a keyboard (I suspected LILO but someone said it's in
|> > setup.S).
|> My board wouldn't ever boot, just wait for F1 to be pressed ...
You won't have any chance to wrestle down your POST BIOS.
Either you find the hidden switch in the BIOS (CMOS ?) code -
or you'll have to live with it. Perhaps someone should design a small
keyboard replacement plug. How much electronics would this take ?

|> Ralf


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