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Subject2.0, loggings, cpu quotas, 2.1 issues, etc.

I seem to have a problem. My messages file quickly grows to be several
megs after a few days of uptime. The average uptime for this system is
two to three weeks, and it was just upgraded to Linux 2.0.0:

- bluebox:~$ uname -a
- Linux bluebox 2.0.0 #1 Sun Jun 9 19:30:22 GMT 1996 i586
- bluebox:~$ uptime
- 10:55am up 14:34, 4 users, load average: 1.94, 1.51, 1.24
- bluebox:~$ date
- Mon Jun 10 10:55:57 GMT 1996

This problem existed in 1.3.xx kernels also, but I thought it might go
away. It didn't. My /var/adm/messages file contains a few hundred
thousand lines of messages such as the following:

- Jun 10 10:31:13 bluebox on Jun 10 10:30:13 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:31:13 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:31:13 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:32:13 bluebox on Jun 10 10:31:13 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:32:13 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:32:13 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:33:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:32:13 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:33:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:33:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:34:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:33:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:34:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:34:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:35:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:34:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:35:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:35:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:36:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:35:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:36:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:36:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:37:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:36:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:37:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:37:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:38:14 bluebox on Jun 10 10:37:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:38:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:38:14 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:39:15 bluebox on Jun 10 10:38:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:39:14 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:39:15 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:40:15 bluebox on Jun 10 10:39:14 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:40:15 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:40:15 bluebox
- Jun 10 10:41:15 bluebox on Jun 10 10:40:15 GMT 1996 Mon Jun 10 10:41:15 GMT 1996
- Jun 10 10:41:15 bluebox

And they go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.....

Is this a problem with my configuration?

Also, off of that subject, here are a few things to do/consider now that
2.0 is out:

***** The /*MOST*/ important: A CPU quota system:

This should work a variety of ways. It should have the functionality to
allow the sysadmin to limit the total amount of CPU time users can have
per login, day, month, etc. Ex: "CPU quota exceeded: 1 hour for login"
or similar. I would also like to be able to limit the amount of current
CPU time a user can take up by percent. This would have to be a
modification to the schedulear code. For example, I could specify that
no user can take more than 20% of the CPU time, or that all total users
can only take 85% of CPU time. Per user limits would be nice, so that
certain users (those who like to fork bomb and run recursive scripts for
example) can only have 15% of the CPU time at best, while others who have
special needs can use up to 50% for themselves, regardless of other
restrictions on their group. I'm sure this could be done, but some
people would have to work on it.

***** Second, I would like to see some of the meter-0.2 or Portato code
integrated into kernel source and/or modules. This way, system status
lights could be updated by the kernel, without reading /proc or calling
uptime/ps/the like. This might be considered bloat, but that why it is

***** Profiled/stripped swap. Swap could be written to two drives at
once for faster speed. Instead of swapping, say 10MB, to one disk all at
once, 5MB could be swapped to 1 SCSI disk, and 5MB to another. You coudl
also have profiled swap, where certain swap partitionns/files have
priority over others, such as a fast SCSI before swapping to a slower IDE,
etc. I believe that work has already been done on this.

***** Better removeable media/cartridge support. Many devices (Zip, Jazz,
Bernouli, CDROM, etc) can be ejected by software. When the disk is
unmounted, the device should eject it's disk. This should not be very
difficult to implement.

***** I use a patch to allieviate some interrupts that are not needed on
standard equipment. It might be good to put this in as a kernel
configure option for 2.1. The patch is included with this file.

***** SMP support should be a standard kernel configure option in 2.1.

***** Lastly, the Rob Krawitz P5/FPU memcpy() should be included into
2.1. It has been working flawlessly since 1.3.8x, and I have never had
any bit flips or corruption of any kind. I can do a make -j on the
kernel souces without a problem. His machine is rather flaky, and the
only other problem is that SMP support together with pentium memcpy will
not boot.

Jeff Johnson GCS d- s: !a C+++ UA++(+++) P+ L+ E---- W+++ N+++(+++++) K- w(+) O(-)
KE4QWX M- V-(--) PS+ PE Y++ PGP+++(+++++) t- 5 X+++(+++++) R tv+ b++ DI-- D G++ e* !h r y?
Nerdity Test = 66% Hacker Test = 45%
1024/3397E001 1995/06/10 5B 92 8B 34 84 E9 42 26 DC FB F7 C4 1E 0E 80 29

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