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SubjectRe: ideas
> Ok, those are good temporary reasons to not use C++.  Those problems
> should improve or eliminate themselves over time, when we might want to
> change our minds. But until then, how about making the kernel
> _compilable_ under C++? The advantages in the stronger type checking

Its actually meant to be buildable under g++ currently. Thats why we don't
have variables called new or lines like


> alone should be more than enough reason to periodically compile the
> kernel w/ g++ to make sure there aren't any subtle type errors. In a

Yes. Although gcc -Wall -pedantic is a pretty good checker for most

> good safety measure. There's even a chance it could improve some code
> by pointing out which parameters weren't used in a function. While it
> doesn't guarantee good code, it does prevent sloppy code from causing
> problems.

No arguments.

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