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SubjectRe: Linux logo
I want to echo the sentiments that we could really use a quality logo for
Linux. A few months back during the beta test BusLogic marketing asked me if
we had anything to put on the BT-948/958/958D boxes and data sheets. I
corresponded with Linus about this at the time, but he had nothing concrete to
offer. Linux is listed in the compatibility matrix, but we lose out by not
having a logo displayed as well.

My personal feeling is that we need something professional looking that makes
us look to be at the same level as all those other operating systems, or better
still above them. Here's a comment I wrote at that time:

"...I had something a little more elegant and symbolic in mind. Perhaps a
circular earth with LINUX appearing somewhat like one of Saturn's rings, or an
earth projection with a LINUX banner. The idea being to symbolize the
international nature of the Linux effort. Or I suppose we could be daring, and
go for a space motif and an interplanetary or interstellar effort. <grin>"


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