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SubjectKernel Updates FTP Area

I noticed that the "Documentation/Changes" file refers to quite a few
different FTP sites around the world, some of which are not very accessible.
I also noticed that several are already mirrored by, an
underutilized but very well-connected (albeit U.S.-based) server that I
help run. So I have attempted collecting together nearly all of it in
one spot.

In some cases, I do not have an authoritative or mirrorable FTP site to go
by, and in others I do but do not have permission to mirror yet. So
consider this a work in progress/snapshot. If you run one of the
authoritative FTP sources of any of the packages listed in
Documentation/Changes, please let me know if I may mirror portions of your
site; or if you know where I can get something that is missing, please
also let me know.

Feel free to check out the site at:

It is pretty much all directly or indirectly related to Linux. The Kernel
Upgrade stuff is in the /pub/current directory for now. If you have any
problems at all getting to the site, please let me know.


David 703-810-5538 Reston, Virginia, USA
------ Money talks, but it is wrong half of the time. -----

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