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SubjectRe: strange df output?
> > > Sorry for the confusion.  I was not aware of the reserved space used in
> > > an ext2 file system, and had simply never noticed that in a df command
> > > before.
> >
> > Note that you can set the reserved space to ZERO when you first
> > make the fs. Check the man page for details.
> >
> > I do this on my non-root/non-temporary fs to squeeze out a few extra blocks.
> What exactly do you end up slowing down when you do that? Does it slow
> down reads, or only writes, or what?

AFAIK it doesn't slow anything down. The reserved space is simply
reserved for the root user.

Example: some idiot - or a broken daemon - fills /var/tmp and no user
can do anything, but the root user can use the reserved space to correct
the problem. Without the reserved space, the system could lock-up and root
wouldn't be able to anything about it.

Extra space is not required on a fs governed by quotas, but it is a
_really_ good idea on a uncontrolled (take as much space as you want) fs
which, is _vital_ to the operation of the system (like the temporary areas).

Andrew E. Mileski
Linux Plug-and-Play Project

Red Hat Software sponsors these pages - I have no other affilitation
with Red Hat Software, and I have never used any of their products.

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