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SubjectRe: Linux Logo prototype.
On Sat, 25 May 1996, Lauri Tischler wrote:

> Anno Domini 9 May 96 at 17:48, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> >
> > Now, with penguins, (cuddly such), "contented" means it has either just
> > gotten laid, or it's stuffed on herring. Take it from me, I'm an expert on
> > penguins, those are really the only two options.
> Penguin ? Cuddly ?

Yep, anyone say it had to be a real one ? A soft toy is very cuddly.

> If you try to cuddle a penguin it will propably shit on you.

No, it'll peck you, as it did Linus (assuming we're talking of real ones

> And yes, they sure are stuffed with herring, up to their gills with
> stinking, half digested, rotten fish.

Gills ? Are we both talking about the same animals ? To me penguins are
flightless birds that can swim rather well, they have lungs, and breath
air. No gills, none, never, not even on satuarday nights after a heavy
drinking session. They do eat fish, and fish do have gills, but not

> Is this supposed to represent the brilliant innards of Linux?
> Linux filled with stinking fish, yeak :)

Nope, it's supposed to be an icon, a figure head, a symbol that we can
use to identify Linux to the masses.

> Cheers..
> Lauri Tischler, Network Admin Tel: +358-0-47846331
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again :( | initiated.
/ This space is intentionally left
| blank, apart from this text ;-)

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