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    SubjectRe: transparent-proxy
    > > To redirect sessions of some protocols (HTTP, FTP, Telnet, whatever you
    > > like) to local proxy servers.
    > but can't I do the same by using the ip-masquerading option ?

    No. Masquerading just rewrites some addresses in the IP header,
    but nothing is redirected. It's just then session that the client
    requested, but partly with rewritten IP headers.

    > for telnet, I can achieve the same results with masquerading.

    Not if you want to do more authentication, for example. Think of
    the telnet proxy server that comes with the TIS firewall toolkit.

    > for httpd and ftp this would make sense, since their requests
    > can be cached (allthough most http/ftp clients have proxy-support?)

    Right. But this enables an ISP (for example) to _force_ the use
    of proxies, because the use of proxy servers doesn't depend anymore
    on the settings of the client programs.

    > are there other possibilities for usage ?

    Yes, many. Like running 2 different servers for the same protocol.
    Dependent on the sender address, the input firewall rules can redirect
    the incoming session to a certain port. For example: DNS request from
    the outside world: use port 53, DNS request from internal hosts: use a
    different server on port 5353.

    -- Jos Vos <>
    -- X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV | Phone: +31 20 6938364
    -- Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Fax: +31 20 6948204

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