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SubjectRe: your mail
> My modem/ppp connection used to stay up for days with
> kernels <= linux 1.3.96, but now that I started using 1.3.98
> the modem only stays up for a few minutes at a time, and then
> something is forcing a DTR drop which hangs up the modem (I can
> check the modem's status to see why the connection was dropped)
> The modem is not hanging up due to line conditions.
> I'm using pppd-2.2.0f but 2.2.0d did the same.

I've been having problems too. With 1.3.100, 1.99.5 and maybe 1.3.91 (I
didn't use it very long) my ppp sessions nearly always hang the first time,
within a couple minutes of initiation. The second time they get more stable,
espeically after the first few minutes. I'm also getting lousy interactive
performance nearly all the time, when I telnet to my provider to do email.
Like right now, each keystroke takes a second or two to take effect, and if
I type fast the typing shows up in bursts spaced apart by 1 or 2 seconds.
My provider uses a Sun and I've heard there was trouble for a while
with interactive performance between Linux and some suns. I'm running
Linux on a 386, and it sure seems slower in general than it used to so that
could be all that's wrong, I'm running too many processes or something.

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