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SubjectRe: SA_STACK
> Isn't there a group working on real-time signals? Hopefully, alternative
> stacks (and SA_SIGINFO (sp?)) will come out of this work.
> > -Melvin
> markhe

Well I started hacking at it and I've sent some diffs to Linus
which are wrong but they are no worse than the code that was there.
Basically the problem I'm having is not implementing sigstack() or
sigaltstack() structs or calls but how to handle things like a
longjmp() out of a signal handler which is currently on an alt stack,
or a calling a signal handler from a signal handler. This could
be an easy fix if I had a stack_size field. With sigstack() that is
not possible since the stack is malloced but the struct doesn't
contain the size. sigaltstack{} however requires a ss_ssize(sp) field.

Maybe it would be better to forget the BSD style sigstack() and go
with the SYSV sigaltstack() ?


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