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SubjectRe: PPP not running, Oh, WHY?
On Wed, 1 May 1996, Tamas Nyitrai wrote:

> Hi there!
> I have just installed kernel 1.3.92, but I can not get PPP to work. I
> have tried almost every kerneles form 1.3.81 an up, but neither of it
> worked with PPP.
> Now, this might seems to be the usual problem with "get a the new PPP
> daemon" or get the all the new stuffs... But this is not.
> The solution maybe is damned easy, but I can not figure it out.
> O.K. I compile the new kernel, rebooting, everything seems to be working
> fine, however it says the my system does not supports PPP and yes, the
> /proc/net/dev holds the same information, despite that at booting time
> PPP is seems to be there - al least that is what is says.
> Could anyone help me please?
> I even tried to compile PPP as modules, but that does not worked either.
> Thanking you in advance!
> Tamas
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> home page:
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I don't know what caused this for me, or why it works now, but I got this
and then ftp'd the source for it and re-made it on the system. Note: I
_had_ PPP 2.2.0e?? and only upgraded to 2.2.0f, but I recompiled it on the
machine with the new kernel... maybe this is what did it.

Then again, maybe I bumped something else on the way...

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