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SubjectRe: path for Java again
> Argument not no have java in /usr/bin is that Java is subsistem inside
> Linux (or any Unix) and therefore should have its own directories.
> /usr/java sounds fine.

Please read the file system standard then come back and have an argument
if you don't like it. Java would go I think in

/usr/share/java/.... - Java classes (arch independant)
/usr/lib/java/... - arch dependant (read only)

> For example, nobody would like to copy contents of /usr/X11/bin to /usr/bin
> just to follow Linux standard. Reason the same - X is a separate subsistem
> inside Linux (or any Unix) and has right for its own file structure.

/usr/X11/.. is left the way it is because of history. By right it would be
/usr/lib/X11/... /usr/bin/.... etc.

[People with interest in this might want to actually investigate the FSSTND
and help with future generations of it - various things like compatiblity
issues with SYS5 /opt and good support for multiarchitecture NFS shared
file store are still in work]


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