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SubjectRe: Possible /etc/kernel.conf?
| Whereas I do compile many different kernels as I maintain a linux network
| of 8 machines + server. What I would like is for make config to recognize
| an old .config file and tell me about any new options, and hide all the
| questions about previously existing options. Then I could simply have a
| .config file for each significantly different computer, and answer a *much*
| reduced 'make quickconfig' to recompile the kernels. That way I know I can't
| make a slip whilst answering make config and miss out some important driver
| from the kernel for one computer and/or put an extra driver into the kernel
| for another.

This functionality is already there! Simply copy your previous .config
file and do a "make oldconfig". You will only be prompted to answer
new configuration items.

Dick Streefland //// Tasking Software BV (@ @) The Netherlands

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