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SubjectRe: What is iBCS
On Wed, 15 May 1996, Mick Ghazey wrote:
> Do I use iBCS? I don't even know what it does! :<)

Then the answer's proberbly no, what is does is allow you to run binaries
in the iBCS2 format (like ELF, and a.out, iBCS is just a type of binary),
the thing about this type of binary is it's used on (amoungst other
things) SCO Unix, so you can get (for example) Word Perfect for SCO, and
run it on your Linux box.

> I guess I don't use it. How do I NOT use it? That is, what am I
> selecting in "make xconfig" that causes it to run?

Nothing, it's just your startup scripts that are trying to insmod the
iBCS.o kernel module at boot time (proberbly without the .o ;). If you'r
sure that you don't use it (and it sound's like you don't), go look in
/etc/rc.d/* for the offending script, and comment the insmod (or it could
remotely be a modprobe) that's causing the problems (a good way would be
to issue this command (as root) 'find /etc/rc.d/ -type f -print
|xargs grep -n iBCS', this will find all occurances of iBCS, and tell you
the line number to look at as well).

> Mick
PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence
again :( | initiated.
/ This space is intentionally left
| blank, apart from this text ;-)

 \ /
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