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SubjectRe: binfmt_java problems
On Wed, 15 May 1996 wrote:

> : 3. Hardest/most flexible: set the appropriate paths through /proc/sys;
> : disable Java binaries unless the paths are set.
> : I'll try to hack up #3.
> Seems a very good idea. (And not hard at all.)

So instead of proposing a standard at one place, you will force all
distribution makers to put something like

echo some_path >/proc/sys/java_path

in the RC scripts to make life easier for their user.

and then those erroneous path (will be sooner or later) will be spread
all around.

Not good at all. Really

Why not set a standard in the kernel (like it is now) and allow people to
override it later (only if needed).

The idea is simple. Those who have no idea why things should be different
won't have to know how it should be anyway. Those who feel that the java
binaries should move will have enough incentive to learn how.

Jacques Gelinas (
Use Linux without reformating: Use UMSDOS.

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