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SubjectRe: Networking Status pre #2
Amazingly enough Alan Cox said:
> > > 1. double lock on device queue
> >
> > I have no idea. Is there an error message or way to tell?
> That is the error message people with the problem will see.

For the record, I used to see a lot of these but haven't lately
(and I've been looking for them).

Is it possible for a lock to occur from two different locations?
The current code allows you to determine where the second lock
occurs, but not the first. Or is it, depending on the
circumstance, possible only to be locked in one location (only
doing it twice?).

Would it be reasonable to add fields to the sock struct so that
every time it's locked, add __FILE__ and __LINE__ values so that
one could track where the first lock occured? For debugging
purposes only, of course.

I added such code myself, but since I've not seen a double lock
occuring, I can't tell if it's useful or not.

Mike Castle .-=NEXUS=-. Life is like a clock: You can work constantly and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day. -- mrc
We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen

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