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SubjectRe: More on dialup IP slowdowns...
"Mark E. Levitt" <> writes:

+On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Linus Torvalds wrote:
+> Is it perhaps a problem with ppp-2.2.0e and above? I have seen people say
+> that they are getting OK ppp performance, and at least some of them used
+> 2.2.0d, not the newest ppp..
+> Linus
+ I doupt it. I'm not using PPP at all and I've noticed the same
+problems. I have noticed that performance when connected to a SunOS
+4.1.3 host is much MUCH better than when connected to a Solaris host. It
+may be that those who are reporting good speeds are connecting to a
+"quick" host.

I noticed the same difference between Solaris and SunOs. However, the
SunOs host is an old sun4 while the Solaris host is a dual processor
sparcstation. Using the same connection with trumpet windosock gets
comparable performance from both (so it's not the line or connection;
and certainly ms-windows 3.1 is not exactly an operating system
suitable for slip connections; I get overruns all the time even with
a 16550, something I still haven't ever seen in linux where slip
processing happens inside the kernel).


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