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SubjectRe: UDP: bad checksum.
Delepine Jean Charles wrote:

> Hello,
> Since I upgrade my system to linux 1.3.73 and above (actually .81), I get
> the message :

> UDP: bad checksum. From 00000000:68 to FFFFFFFF:67 ulen 308

I wouldn't worry about this too much - it just means some hardware on your LAN
is sending broadcast bootp requests with bad checksums. It is nothing wrong
with your Linux box. If you get a _lot_ of these perhaps you should try and
track down what box is causing them, and find out why it is constantly
requesting bootp services (use tcpdump to find the ethernet hardware address,
look that up in one of the lists of ethernet manufacturer prefixes to find the
maker, and go see your network admin). (Does anybody know which boxes are
usually responsible for this? I get them so rarely it isn't worth running
tcpdump continuously and filtering the results afterwards.)

I find it surprising you don't get them with the other configurations you tried
- I`ve been getting these for about a year now on all the Linux machines on our
LAN. Coincidence perhaps? Or is it the change in kernel loggin levels causing
things to go to the console which previously wouldn't have?


> There was no problemes with the 1.3.20 version from slack3.0.
> The system is a Pentium 120 PCI with a 3c509 card.
> there's no probleme with :
> slack 2.4 (a.out), 3c509, 1.3.73 and 1.3.48
> slack 3.0 (elf) , 1.3.80 (yet) , no lan but the dummy driver :-)
> Is there something wrong in the slack3.0 ?
> Is there something new I must install... ?
> If you want more info...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jean Charles Delepine Universite du Havre
> Tel (bureau) : +33 35 19 57 38 Faculte des Sciences
> Fax : +33 35 19 57 15 BP 540
> Tel (perso) : +33 35 26 32 81 25, Rue Philippe LEBON
> Mail : 76058 LE HAVRE CEDEX , France

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