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SubjectRe: Kernel Database [take 3]
On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Shinanyaku wrote:

> Fellow Linux'ers.

Ok I mailed one to you. Here's some stuff I noticed:

first, it did _not_ create a file in /tmp/.
second, it did not run as-is... "no such file" from the shell...
why? The /usr/bin/perl^M is looking for a file called perl^M.

In other words, there was a CR attached to every line of the file.
I have written a tiny C program which strips them off and I used it on your
file... then it worked.

If you want the program, here it is:

main(){char c; while(EOF!=(c=getchar())){if(c!=13)putchar(c);}}

This could be optimized, (but who cares) and there are certainly Linux
utilities somewhere which already do this (but isn't it cute (cough)).

Anyway... if it seems like there's no replies to the database, it's probably
that people try it, it doesn't work, and they say to themself.. (I'll get
back to it later, he's still working on it.)


So you think you know the real meaning of fear?
Yeah, you think you do know, but I doubt it.
When you sit in a shelter with bombs falling all over.
And the houses around you are burning like torches.
I agree that you experience horror and fright
For such moments are dreadful, for as long as they last,
But the all-clear sounds--then it's okay-- | -- Ilya Selvinskiy
You take a deep breath, the stress has passed by. | (Taken from "The Sum
But real fear is a stone deep down in your chest. | of All Fears" by
You hear me? A stone. That's what it is, no more. | Tom Clancy pg. 182.)

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