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SubjectRe: Let's all say Supra Fax Modem Sucks
Jeffrey, I have had a SupraFaxModem 28.8 v34 for a while now, and I've
never experienced this one minute hang up that you are experiencing... Try
dialing into a different modem just to see if you have problems dialing
into your provider, whoever it may be.. If that fails too, then you
probably need to flash your supra rom, by using the flasher which can
easily be pulled off It is also possible that you might
have an obsolette flashrom which could have had some incompatibility with
some modems, or what not.. If all fails, give supra a call and ask them to
look into the matter, they would be thoroughly interested to find out why
their modem does not connect(if that's truly the case here)....

or it could be that *your* modem only is a lemmon ;^) in which case you
need to take it back to whomever you got it from and ask them for a
replacement.. Supra modems have been very cool to me overall...


On Sat, 27 Apr 1996, Jeffrey Barber wrote:

> Please tell me if anyone ever got the Supra fax modem to work correctly on Linux. Mine will dial and connect just find but give it a minute and it hangs hup when connecting higher than 19200. I am configuring my modem with this: AT&F2&C1&D0\N3%C1W1S95=41M1L2S7=45S11=55#CID=0S0=0
> Any input would be nice, I hate to have to buy a different modem.
> Thanks
> Swoop

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