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SubjectRe: Some Serious 1.3.90 Issues, Again.
> 1.  On a moderately busy system,  I get an ever increasing number of hung/
> stuck ftpd and tcpd. Eventually the list grows to about 380+, running
> the kernel into ``File table overflow'' and the reset button.
> a. Is there a way to assure a ROOT shell that is already running a few
> fd's so the system can be shutdown (even killall could not run)?

Use xinetd - it allows you to set a maximum number of instances.
Won't solve the problem of course, but it will prevent it from
having to be reset when you get into trouble.

> b. What gives? It runs fine with 1.3.77.

Why do people expect consistency with _EXPERIMENTAL_ kernels?
It is akin to expecting politicians to keep election promises.

> All the above on top of the SCSI wowes you all are too tired to hear about.
> The good news there is that Leonard and Mike are doing a terrific job
> chasing the problems down.

I'm lucky. Never a SCSI problem since I started using Linux 2 years or
so ago. This with an AHA-2842 and curently an AHA-2940UW.

> Any help will be handsomely rewarded with a wide grin and a shout for joy
> on my children's part. They will see Daddy again!

Personally I find any light brighter than a video screen hurts my
eyes and burns my skin, and my back is bent from my chair.
But every once in a while I venture into town to take a pretty gypsy girl
up to the bell tower, and we make the church bells ring ;-)

-- Andrew E. Mileski --

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