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SubjectRe: 1.3.88 and stability: Adaptec 2940
In article <>:
|On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Laszlo Vecsey wrote:
|> I'm still having occasional SCSI lockups due to the Adaptec 2940. I've
|> been trying with and without the aic7xxx=no_reset lilo commandline. I've
|> checked my SCSI termination and so forth. A handful of people have
|> complained about this card/problem, so my question is -- Does anyone out
|> there have a stable Linux system using this card?
|Ever since I switched to the developer kernels, my system has been rock
|solid using the 2940 drivers. I have 3 HDs, 1 DAT, and 1 CD-rom. I run
|nightly backups and haven't had a hang in many many months. Using 1.2.13
|was terrible! Constant hangs, crashes, etc. The driver has come a long way!

I had almost no problems at all using a 2940 under 1.2.13 with the Nov 12
1995 driver. (Earlier drivers, esp. before June 26 1995, were quite unstable.)

1.3.84 actually seems a bit less reliable -- every so often the machine
won't boot, complaining about "SCSI timeout" problems. This usually
only happens right after I turn the machine on after it's been cold
for awhile, and rebooting usually fixes the problem. Once it gets
past the bootup sequence, however, it works fine.

I have had occasional lockups (with the Nov 12 driver) when doing
backups to tape. This may be fixed in the 1.3.84 driver.

Note that proper termination is *extremely* important; if you don't
get this right, things will majorly fuck up.

"... then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was
more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -- Anais Nin

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