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    SubjectRAW I/O
    I am developing a driver for a PCI bus mastering device.  In order
    to allow this device direct access to user memory, the following
    procedure occurs to me:

    1) set "current->swappable" to 0

    2) ensure that the desired pages are in physical memory with
    a per-page call to "(void)get_user(vadr)"

    3) perform a quick, no error checking, virtual-to-physical

    padr = pte_page(
    pgd_offset(current->mm, vadr),

    4) provide the physical address(es) to the device

    5) upon completion of the I/O, set "current->swappable" to 1

    While this should work (comments?), preventing the swapping of ALL of
    the current process pages seems overkill, when only a few are required.

    Thus, my question: Is there a way to prevent swapping on a
    page-by-page basis?

    Chuck Goodhart <>

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