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SubjectRe: 1.3.87 broken tcp ?
On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Ok, does this small patch help 1.3.87? I'm just reversing one of the
> patches (and one that might well result in the behaviour you see).
> Linus


I tried that patch, and some of the problems went away, but
it's still some problem.
With plain 1.3.87 ftp failed both in get and put (like every third time or so.)
With this patch, the problems with get has disappeared, but put still hangs
after a while.

I've done some test with ftp to different unix machines and the problem
only appear when talking to another linux-machine.

Here is a small table with some transfer rates.
I don't have knowledge about tcp in detail, but there has been
some talk on the list about different behavior on different machines.
I hope this helps:

machine | ftp - get | ftp - put | comments
jota24 | 450 Kb/s | 350 Kb/s | No problems at all
father | 200 Kb/s | 200 Kb/s | -"-
zero | 210 Kb/s | 110 Kb/s | -"-
taurus | 120 Kb/s | 170 Kb/s | -"-
urgoriyf | 120 Kb/s | 76 Kb/s | -"-
vittorio | 640 Kb/s | 600 Kb/s | Same domain.
hannibal | 700 Kb/s | :( | -"-
ior | 630 Kb/s | :( | -"-
zod | 560 Kb/s | :( | -"-
I have done : ftp <machine>
get <file>
put <file>

jota24 : SunOS jota24 4.1.4 2 sun4m
father : SunOS father 4.1.4 1 sun4m
zero : ULTRIX zero 4.3 0 VAX
taurus : SunOS taurus 4.1.4 3 sun4
urgoriyf : NetBSD urgoriyf 1.1A NetBSD 1.1A (URGO)
vittorio : IRIX vittorio 4.0.5 06151813 IP6
hannibal : Linux hannibal 1.3.64 #2 Tue Mar 5 09:05:14 MET 1996 i586
ior : Linux ior 1.3.79 #1 Wed Mar 27 15:25:05 MET 1996 i586
zod : Linux zod 1.3.77 #1 Sat Mar 23 20:18:46 MET 1996 i486
triton : Linux triton 1.3.87 #2 Sat Apr 13 11:08:46 MET DST 1996 i586

Hmm, I just did a 'netstat -t' and ...
tcp 0 0 triton.campus.lut:1120 FIN_WAIT2 root
tcp 0 0 triton.campus.lut:1111 FIN_WAIT2 root
tcp 0 0 triton.campus.lut:1034 FIN_WAIT2 root
It's more than 15 minutes since I did the tests.
( Don't know if it is relevant but ... )


/ Henrik Wallin,

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