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SubjectRe: Linux isn't an operating system
On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Richard Stallman wrote:

> I probably won't convince all the "Linux users" to use the term
> "Linux-based GNU system". But I will convince some, and they by using
> this term will contribute to unifying the community. Even a little
> more unity is worth the effort of writing these messages.

I know I just complained about getting mired in a syntax discrepancy over
"kernel" vs. "operating system", but this doesn't make sense. How can
unity be measured? Can my group be more unified than your group? You
can't make people "more unified"; you will simply shift the balance in
between the two groups (in which direction, I am unsure).

> (I'm trying new approaches for correcting the media distortion of
> "hacker", too. I don't give up on a worthy cause!)

I'll back you on this one. People ask me sometimes what I'm doing on my
computer. I'll reply with "Just hacking around." They never fail to
think I'm doing something illegal. As a matter of fact, someone actually
asked me "Can you get caught doing that?" right after I said "just
hacking around." I'm still looking for a good answer to that question.


Judd Bourgeois
Finger for PGP public key
There's a lost man with a bitter soul
For only a moment did life make him whole
And while he was, he thought he was invincible...
Matthew Sweet, "Smog Moon"

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