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SubjectRe: ttyp0 is hung/broken in 1.3.73
On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, Jeremy A. Gilbert wrote:

> The problem is that ttyp0 is somehow broken on my system after it
> had been up and running for 14 days. If an incomming telnet connection
> gets allocated to ttyp0, the login program starts to run, but only the
> first line ("Welcome to Gryphon (Linux 1.3.73) ttyp0") gets shown. The
> login process essentially hangs indefinatly (or at least for several
> hours.)

I don't think this is a 1.3.x bug. The exact same sort of thing happens
on my 1.2.13 boxes occasionally. The only way I've found to fix it
without rebooting is to kill that login process and then grab that tty
with the program "screen". The screen on that tty will be frozen...but
you can send an x-on (control-a q), and it is fixed.

I'd love a less interactive way to fix it. or keep it from happening at
all. It's a real pain for people who rlogin to the server from the
terminal server, as they get hung up on after their rlogin times out.

It can happen to any tty, after hours or weeks of uptime. Cat'ing things
to tty, rm'ing and mknod'ing the tty, etc. don't help.

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