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SubjectRe: Eject, Rebooting, Shortcuts, kernel bloat
On Sat, 30 Mar 1996, Laszlo Vecsey wrote:

> Is there a safe way to reboot the system, making absolutely sure that the
> file systems get unmounted before the system is restarted? I always have
> one partition that needs to be re-e2fscked each time on startup, probably
> because the processes that were using it were not terminated properly
> during shutdown and the filesystem wasn't unmounted and marked as clean.
> And why is it that certain processes can go dead and not even kill -9 can
> remove them? How about having a ctrl-scroll-lock option that would list
> all the processes and allow you to move up and down with a scrollbar,
> highlight the process you want (giving status information) and zap it if
> need be. Also, is it possible to have a process running that would NOT be
> listed with ps -x? I've heard it could be done. I would feel much better
> if the kernel could tell me exactly which processes are running, and give
> me the ability to zap or -SIGHUP them with ease.
> I don't see any security risk with having this kind of option freely
> available through a hotkey (i.e., even if root isn't logged in on a VC)
> because anybody can hit ctrl-alt-del and insert a bootdisk and get full
> access. Actually, maybe we need a compile option to remove ctrl-alt-del
> all together. Then there is the issue that if a QuickBoot (similar to
> QEMM) feature were to be put into the Linux kernel, and ctrl-alt-del were
> to be used, that would bypass a possible BIOS password check that would
> have the A: boot drive protected for extra security.

Most of the stuff you mention are things that should be in a
"kernel" debugger..... I've been curious. Since I've been playing with
Solaris, which has kadb (a kernel debugger), which is so usefull at times,
why don't we have something similar for Linux?
What does making something like that entail?

Christian G. Holtje (aka Doctor What)

--- --- --- - - - - --- -----
+ - + - + + + - + - + - CS major at Illinois
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A: Fifteen more minutes of Pentagon running time.

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