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SubjectRe: KERNEL 1.3.7x-1.3.8x

Derrik Pates:

> On Fri, 29 Mar 1996, Chris Salinardi wrote:

> > Ever since I left my 1.3.20 kernel for the 1.3.7x-1.3.8x kernels my "ps"
> > command has been giving me funny output.
> > Does anyone else have this problem? Can you tell me how to fix it?

> Okay. One last time. Get the new procps pack from sunsite or tsx-11.
> v0.99 or 0.99a - not sure which. This should REALLY be a FAQ folks!

It *is* a frequently asked question. The problem is
getting people to *realize* that it is. How do you suggest
that we do *that*?

Now, everyone that hasn't done so already, please point your
browsers at
Software Victims of the 1.3 Kernel Development


> --
> Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.

I don't believe you.

> -- also --
> Linux is the answer to the same problem.

Now I'm confused. Win95 is a multiuser, true 32bit
operating system that assumes the users and administrators
have some intelligence? That's not what I'd heard.

> -- but --
> Linux is free.

But for you, just $14.95 + S&H.

The ironic thing is, 79->80 *did* introduce a bug in the
process time statistics, for which I posted a patch. Has
anybody looked at it and found intellectual or practical
problems with it? (It was a pretty simpleminded patch, but
it seems to work.)

Michael J. Micek, peripatetic philosopher. (currently)
Am hirable (consulting, problem-solving, whatever). Finger for details.

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