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SubjectRE: Kernel TODO list (vfat : shortcuts vs. symbolic links)
On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, Kenneth Albanowski wrote:

> This, unfortunately, isn't very likely as Windows 95 "shortcuts" are
> actually .PIF files. You can view them, more-or-less, as a short batch
> file that runs the original when you run it. Even under Windows 95, they
> don't work to well, and while it _might_, barely, be possible to treat
> shortcuts as symbolic links, going the other way around probably can't
> work at all.

The .LNK files are the ones he's referring to. The PIFs are for DOS
proggys only.

Derrik Pates
Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.
-- also --
Linux is the answer to the same problem.
-- but --
Linux is free.

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