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SubjectRe: Kernel errors in 1.3.78
Rani Chouha <> writes:
>Hi, I just upgraded my kernel to 1.3.78 and whenever I type 'ps ux'
>or 'top' I get the error: Floating point exception.
>Any idea why?

Yeah, this is the latest memory optimization in Linux. It used to be
that when you allocated memory, you had to either use the whole byte
or none of it. But that wastes crucial storage! So now, Linux memory
management includes the ability to only use fractional bytes. For
example, my X server right now is taking up 49163253.375 bytes of
memory. The .375 is an extra 3 bits it needs.

The really cool thing is that if you write your code correctly, you
can even use fractional bits. For instance my new ray tracer is using
something like 132935.5416666666... bytes right now. The fractional
component indicates I'm using 4 and 1/3 bits. This is very valuable:
the other 3 and 2/3 bits are available to the kernel for allocation as
cache, to other processes, etc.

There are still some bugs in the process (hey, this is a new kernel
feature, afterall). The floating point exceptions are actually
occurring in the kernel but somehow are passing outside to ps.

Could someone put this answer in the FAQ please? Thanks.

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