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SubjectRe: Named pipes - slightly broken in new kernels
> I've been using a named pipe as an output file for all syslog'd events,
> and then hooking xconsole to it when I boot X. This is how Debian sets
> up xconsole, BTW. It has worked fine up until recently, around 1.3.74.
> Now, when syslog starts on bootup, it pauses a long time and complains
> about an interrupted system call, and when xconsole runs, it doesn't see
> any messages on the pipe until I send syslogd a SIGHUP. Has someone

have you tried to change the priority levels in syslog.conf ?
if i remember correctly, the priority of some kernel messages has been
raised recently. so it might be, that you have you pipe filled before
xconsole is able to drain it. i got bitten by this problem, when i tried
to redirect the XFree86 output to the named pipe. there is, however. some
kind of workaround: cat the output of the named pipe to a file in /tmp
util xconsole is running. then kill the cat'ing process. cat the
contents of the file to the named pipe and erase the file. worked for
me, but it is rather ugly and i'm not using it anymore.


Axel Kohlmeyer email:
Abteilung fuer Theoretische Chemie Universitaet Ulm D-89069 Ulm/Donau

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