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SubjectRe: net/socket.c and kerneld
Amazingly enough Tom Dyas said:
> This code asks kerneld to load a protocol module if that protocol is missing
> from the kernel. net-pf-3 = AX25, net-pf-4 = IPX, net-pf-5 = AppleTalk. You
> can alias these to "off" in your /etc/conf.modules to make the modprobe
> messages go away. They are generated because some program during your
> shutdown sequence is trying to open either AX25, IPX, or AppleTalk sockets.
> Why a program would want to sdo this is beyond me though ...

On my system, just running /sbin/ifconfig (with no parms)
generates these messages.

No clue what version I'm running. And since going on spring
break tomorrow, not going to bother making sure I have the

Nonetheless, it's at least one tool that will generate said
messages (I get them on boot).

Mike Castle .-=NEXUS=-. Life is like a clock: You can work constantly and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day. -- mrc
We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen

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