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SubjectRe: Linux reboot

> > I have always wondered why Linux never reboots by itself when I type
> > reboot or press CTRL-ALT-DEL. I will have to press the reset button
> > manually. It just stops after the text

> This is from the new SysV init - I know for a fact because I

Which one do you mean, 2.50 (which came with Slackware 3.0),
2.58, or 2.59? 2.50/Slackware is *really* bogus. And the
later ones don't work well with Slackware, either.

BTW-- "shutdown -h now" currently works fine for me (but I
have to log out before it will proceed. Not sure if this is
a bug or a feature.)

> just installed it last night, and I am still fiddling with it.

If you get anywhere, let me (and I'm not alone) know. I'm doing
the same thing... I would love to collaborate. Maybe post
followups to linux-admin, though.

The most recent sysvinit from MvS is available at

> (I had been using a very old a.out Slackware 1.0 init and scripts)

> Note: I recommend you use the 'old' rc scripts (simple),
> and not the new SysV scripts (more complicated)

The scripts that come with the most recent versions of
sysvinit are Debian, which are really complicated, and use a
lot of unfamiliar mechanisms. I don't have anything against
them, except that I haven't gotten them to work.

(Note that there is some useful information for dealing with
modules in the rc scripts that comes with modules-1.3.69e
(and now that 69f is available, probably there, too).)

My main peeve in all this: I've never successfully used
single user mode in any setup I've come up with so far.
I've got some tasks I'd like to do then that require
single-user (to do correctly), like change some of the
options on my root filesystem, but so far, everytime I try,
I end up having to do a hard reboot. This is not
acceptable. (Not saying it's not my own fault for trying it
without being sure my rc scripts could handle it, just
saying I need to get them to this point!)

We really need a distribution-independent set of init
scripts. If this means standardizing on Debian (because
that's what MvS writes), fine. I don't care. I just want
something that does the right thing!

Michael J. Micek, peripatetic philosopher. (currently)
Am hirable (consulting, problem-solving, whatever). Finger for details.

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