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SubjectRe: PPP-mod problem:1.3.77

Andreas Dietrich ecrivit:
> Hello!
> I just had problems connecting to my ISP via PPP. After several retries
> (BUSY), I could login as usual, but then the following happened.
> Mar 26 21:07:30 baccus kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
> ...<several unsuccessfull calls>
> ...<successfull login>
> Mar 26 21:16:42 baccus modprobe: Can't locate module tty-ldisc-3
> I use:
> pppd version 2.2 patch level 0
> modprobe 0.13 (modules-1.2.8)
> ppp & slhc compiled as modules
> Kernel 1.3.77
> (still a.out everything)

First off, you ought to upgrade to modules-1.3.69c (this is the latest
version I know of) and ppp-2.20e (this may actually be the true root
of your problems, but read on) since you are using such a recent

Next: are you using kerneld? If so, this is what happened: you first
start pppd, kerneld loads ppp and slhc modules as requested (b.c. pppd
checks if ppp is available: this loads the module, but after that ppp
is not used until you connect to your ISP). Unfortunately you fail to
login to your ISP and so your ppp and slhc modules go "unused" for a
while. Kerneld meanwhile kicks in about once a minute: it wakes up,
checks to see if any of the modules currently loaded are unused and
kicks ppp and slhc out [you will probably find a line in your log
saying ppp line discipline was successfully unregistered!]. So when
you finally connect to your ISP, ppp ain't there any more! Hence the
errors. No good solution to this, but you can try extending the
kerneld wakeup delay...

Hope this helps, :E
Eric S. Mountain -

Let the machine do the dirty work.

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