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SubjectRe: promiscuous mode
> Recently, a user was able to temporarily gain root access on one of my 
> systems, and of course the first thing they did was install a password
> sniffer. Why is there not an option when compiling the kernel to
> completely disable promiscuous mode? I started to look over the source
> to see how difficult it would be to just remove the code responsible for
> activating promiscous mode, but I don't have time right now to dig deeper.

Because its a stupid option: All the hacker has to do if you dont have the
kernel code for promiscuous mode is upload a tiny root runnable binary that
does the relevant I/O operations. False security is worse than making the
issue clear.

If you want security:

a) Don't run plaintext passwords over the network use ssh/slogin or kerberos.
b) Use a filtering hub. Yes most of those you can get through with a lot of
skill but it stops the masses pulling a fast one.


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