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SubjectRe: sound driver

In article <> "Bryan J. Phillippe" <> writes:
> I agree. I've been using kerneld for everything, including the sound
> module. I'm stoked because it all works so well! I only rarely use
> sound, so to have the memory free, yet a transparent loading of the
> module is really great. But before kerneld, sound was built into the
> kernel (for me), and I used a setmixer script called from
> /etc/rc.d/rc.local to change some mixer settings. With kerneld, my mixer
> is correctly initialized, but the changes are immediately (and
> transparently) lost when the module is unloaded. So I must either
> remember to reset the mixer just prior to using sound, or I must leave it
> in. I was thinking about it, and came up with this idea: if the sound
> module looked for a file /etc/conf.sound (or /etc/sound.conf.. whatever)
> or environment variable SOUNDCONF=/some/file at load time, then the mixer
> would be initialized transparently every time. And if setmixer (or
> equiv) was rewritten to change the config file and send a signal like HUP
> to the sound driver (which would reload config info), it would all work,
> wouldn't it?

Bjorn promised to add a new feature to modules that allows them to
keep persistent data after being unloaded. I believe, this will be the
cleanest approach to this problem.

Up until then, you can use a work-around in your /etc/conf.modules;
add a line similar to this one (the line was split into several lines
for the purpose of posting, I believe it must be one line, when you
put it into /etc/conf.modules):

options sound sound=0x3388f5,0x2220c1,0x138800 && /usr/bin/setmixer vol \
100 bass 50 treble 50 synth 65 pcm 65 speaker 50 line 100 mic 0 \
cd 100 mix 0 pcm2 65 rec 100

The trick is in using the "&&" to add another command that will be
executed right after the module has been loaded.


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