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SubjectRe: [minor style issue] filenames and C++ reserved words in header files

On Tue, 19 Mar 1996 wrote:
> Has anyone noticed that emacs bombs while trying to scan etags files
> of the kernel ? (or does no one use such tools anymore ? Its really useful
> for browsing through lots of code)

Quite frankly, I consider GNU emacs to be just about the most broken
program there _is_ in any unix environment, and I refuse to cater to any
GNU emacs bugs. GNU emacs has _one_ redeeming feature, and that is that
it's so broken in many regards that it actually finds bugs that no normal
program finds (like the pty problems that showed up so clearly with GNU
emacs), but in this case it's a question of just one more example of bad
assumptions on the part of GNU emacs.

Fix the problem, not the linux naming,


PS. No, I'm not trying to make people change editors, you can go on using
any editor you want to. I just personally refuse to touch GNU emacs, and
I don't want to know about what other breakage it results in. The fix to
the etags problem is probably to use "strrchr()" instead of "strchr()" in
GNU emacs, but somebody else is going to have to find the exact place.

PPS. Fix the "stty erase ^H" problem while you're at it.

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