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SubjectRe: 1.3.72 bad news
I cannot reproduce the problem elsewhere than GNU emacs but perhaps
some additional anecdotal information may help. Here is a copy of the
mail I sent to linux-kernel.

----------------- cut here ---->8
Subject: Linux 1.3.49 thru 53
X-Mailer: mh-e-5.0.2/Emacs-19.30.1/MH-6.8.3 on linux 1.3.53 i486
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 1996 18:00:33 -0500
From: "John A. Martin" <>

Somewhere in the early '50s I upgraded my GNU Emacs to 19.30. Later I
found that dired-diff for example failed to show its output and M-x
man showed truncated man pages. After an exchange or two with GNU
Emacs Bug Reporting I received the following suggestion.

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Stallman "Re: M-x man result chopped"
>>>>> Tue, 2 Jan 1996 23:12:47 -0500

Richard> I suspect that the problem is in process.c; that it is
Richard> losing whatever output is pending when the subprocess
Richard> terminates.

I have not had a chance to dig deeper, but I have checked that the
problem does _not_ occur for me with a 1.3.32 kernel but that the
failure to show the dired-diff output occurs with each of the kernels
from 1.3.49 through 1.3.53 that I have on hand. Also, xman sometimes
truncates a man page. The man command at a shell prompt does not, and
diff from a command line works normally,

The kernels mentioned here were all compiled for i486 elf with gcc
v2.7.0 and libc 5.1.3.

Does this anecdote point to anything in particular?

----------------- cut here ---->8

It seems that the problem occurs with M-x diff, dired-diff, and M-x
man with GNU emacs 19.29 and 19.30 whether compiled by me or obtained
precompiled in packages. It does not occur with linux-1.2.13 (perhaps
that is why RMS could not duplicate it on his GNU/Linux system).
Also, once in a while, one or another of the diff tricks will not fail
on my linux box. Would it be worthwhile to do a "binary search"
between 1.3.32 and 1.3.49? (Ugh..)

I's been a while since I've noticed xman losing output.

>>>>> "Theodore" == Theodore Ts'o "Re: 1.3.72 bad news"
>>>>> Thu, 14 Mar 1996 20:14:57 -0500

Theodore> I can reproduce this problem using emacs 19.28.
Theodore> Unfortunately, I can't duplicate it using any other
Theodore> program. typescript, xterm, all work fine. Even "cat
Theodore> /dev/ptypf" in one window, followed by "grep print *.c >
Theodore> /dev/ttypf" in another works fine.

Theodore> Furthermore, I've looked through the changes between
Theodore> 1.2.13 and 1.3.72 in pty.c and tty_io.c, and I don't see
Theodore> any changes that should make any difference. So, I'm
Theodore> puzzled.

Theodore> If anyone can come up with a (slightly smaller) test
Theodore> case than emacs, I'd really appreciate it. This is
Theodore> definitely a real bug, and it's likely to be in the tty
Theodore> subsystem. Now, if only I can figure out what it is...

Theodore> - Ted


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