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SubjectRe: Space, speed etc...
On Sun, 10 Mar 1996, Simon Tatham wrote:

> >1. Space:
> >... So my idea is to make `make smth` to remove files that
> >are not needed after `make config` was made...
> You mean, delete unwanted drivers and unused filesystems, and
> generally clean the place up? That sounds like a damn good plan to
> me. I'm sure 3/4 of the stuff would disappear if I could do that.
> What did "smth" stand for btw? :)
> Does anyone else dis/agree with this idea? If nobody else has time
> to actually think about *doing* it, I'll give it a go...
Please don't do so! I, for example, use that 'not needed' drivers to
build modules. Sure, the filesystem xiafs was never used by me, but if
sometimes there is a need for it, I can simply load the module and I'm
able to access it (only an idea).

Or another scenario:
What happens if you get a new piece of hardware, a SCSI adapter + tape
for example. If you've deleted the sources for the SCSI drivers, you are
not able to recompile your kernel with SCSI support.

I'm sure there are much more examples for not removing any piece of
kernel source.
Theofilu Andreas

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Genieße die Wissenschaft von Linux!

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