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SubjectRe: Pipes broken? 1.3.68 -> Perl 5, Emacs 19.28 affected

>>>>> "Drago" == Drago Goricanec <> writes:

Drago> I recall a while back someone pointing out a problem with subprocesses
Drago> in Emacs losing some the tail end of their output (from a pipe). I'm
Drago> experiencing a similar problem. At first, I shrugged it off as some
Drago> obscure Emacs bug. But I use PGP (MailCrypt within Emacs), and
Drago> decrytping PGP mail will cause larger messages to be truncated.

I have exactly the same problems.

[Test script from perl 5.001e:]
Drago> pipe(READER,WRITER) || die "Can't open pipe";
Drago> close READER;

Drago> $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'broken_pipe';

Drago> sub broken_pipe {
Drago> print "ok 7\n";
Drago> }

Drago> print WRITER "not ok 7\n";
Drago> close WRITER;

If I run this script, I get "ok 7". But...

Drago> I can provide additional information about my system, or run more
Drago> thorough tests if needed. My system started as Slackware 2.3 a.out, I
Drago> upgraded to ELF with the ELF How-To (using gcc2.7.0, libc5.0.9), and
Drago> have been upgrading to use the latest kernel from time to time. I will
Drago> upgrade again to 1.3.7[23] to take advantage of the SMP fixes real soon.

My perl is a.out, version 4.036. So I suspect the problem is a bug in
the ELF libc (I'm using 5.2.18) -- my Emacs and PGP, TeX etc. are all
ELF. I remember that I tried to compile an ELF perl 5.001a some time
ago and the test failed as well.


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