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SubjectRe: SCSI Kernel Problem - BAD
On Mon, 11 Mar 1996, Benson L Chow wrote:

> In-Reply-To: <>
> References: <>
> Another "Me Too" post about the SCSI problem --
> I have a Conner 1060S with the firmware patch and a NCR 53c810 board
> (made by NexStor) running on a Triton based PCI mb (I have 24 MB of RAM
> for the record, maybe the buffer cache causes extra timing
> constraints?). It causes the machine to lock solid, and the machine
> won't sync() so I never could get a syslog dump, though it is similar to
> what's posted earlier. The problem is reproducable but not always
> consistent. Here was my results with the release 17 driver on kernel
> 1.3.5_ (I forget which, it was a while ago -- and I was fed up and
> reverted to the aha152x driver which seems stable)
> 750 meg ext2fs partition, at end of disk. Copying (with cp -av file1
> file2) 24 meg file causes it to crash almost immediately (about 1 meg
> into the copy). cd, ls, df, hdparm -t /dev/sda, du, dd if=/dev/sda3
> of=/dev/null, all work without any trouble. (destination of data was to
> my IDE primary disk) hdparm reports a transfer rate of about 3.6
> MB/second with the disk.
> 30 meg ext2fs partition (on 1GB disk at beginning of disk), copying 30 meg
> file from the disk to the IDE. No problems whatsoever.
> 1GB MSDOS/VFAT/UMSDOS partition, copying 24 meg file. Occasionally
> crashes, mean time between crashes increased about fourfold. Sometimes
> I can copy the file, sometimes not.
> I've tried my CPU clock speed and playing with termination; it didn't
> seem to help.
> Win95/MSDOS/Win31 works fine with the subsystem (which is why I
> reluctantly decided to format the disk under FAT :(
> Hope this leads to some ideas of what's wrong. Some people I've
> corresponded to have claimed defective motherboards, etc., and I'm not
> too sure why it works fine under win95 using its protected mode drivers?

I think it is related to the NCR 53c810 and some PCI Motherboard code,
and intense disk usage (e.g. newsspool) I had a similar problem with that
type of configuration. (16 MB Memory)
Perhaps with some early versions of PCI? BIOS?



Johan Henselmans
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