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SubjectRe: Linux-1.3.71..
> Hi, I'd ask everybody who have seen strange things with virtual consoles to try
> out 1.3.71 - I found a potential reason for the "bleeding" behaviour (where
> text from one console bleeds to another when you do a VC switch), and hopefully
> fixed that in the latest kernel.

Sorry Linus, but I am still getting console bleeds in 71. I was using tty2
for telnet over a slow ppp link and tty3 for an ftp over the same link.
tty4 and later on tty6, had some of the text from tty3 shifted to the left.
tty4 was not being used except by agetty and tty6 was idle. After that I
tried switching VCs around a lot, and tty2 and 3 got corrupted with text from
other VCs and the text wasn't shifted to the left.

I have a VLB Cirrus 5426 based card, and the text resolution is 132x60.

On another matter, I too have had my console lock up with a blank screen
when viewing pictures using svgalib. This has only happened recently and was
reported by other people with 5428 cards.

I haven't used 72 heavily in console mode yet.

James M. Box Email:
Computer Systems Engineering Email:
University of Warwick, UK WWW:
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