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SubjectRe: Genius B105 handscanner driver

Several things that everyone should note:

Most software licenses say you can't disassemble their code,
but many companies have NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements) that they
will make you sign before they give you technical information about
their products.

I wouldn't want to see people in the (linux) community creating
drivers/software where the procedures taken to create it are illegal.

APC is one such company, I know there are many more, and I
applaud those companies, and think it is a great thing.

- Jared

Tuukka Toivonen graced my mailbox with this long sought knowledge:
> I have Genius B105 handheld 256 grayscale scanner. The problem is that i
> don't have a driver for Linux, and i haven't found one despite searching.
> I have been considering the possibility that i would try to do it myself.
> So if anyone has driver or is working for it, please reply so i won't waste
> my time.
> Does anyone have experience that does Genius give datasheets out for their
> devices easily? And from who I should ask for it, if they do? (Preferably
> email address).
> The scanner has a DOS .SYS driver (non-TWAIN compatible), which
> disassembled nicely, so I might try to reengineer it, if there aren't other
> choices.
> Any suggestions? Help? Information? Thanks.
> | Tuukka Toivonen <>
> | Homepage:
> | Try also finger -l
> | Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu
> +-----------------------------------------------------------

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